L is for Late
...as in, I'm so late posting, it's really quite embarassing. I promise, I've been doing things that are knit-related (and, then some things that are not).
First up, we have handspun! Yes, that's right, completely slubby, non-uniform, poorly done handspun by me, myself and I. It looks awful, but I don't care, I love it. It's probably only a couple of yards total:
At the fair this year, they are having a day of spinning. I'm thinking of hauling my spindle and my lowly mass of fiber and seeing if being amongst spinners will enhance my poor spinning any. I'm guessing yes. Or, at least, I'll see how the real people do it.
Next, we have more paraphrenalia related to making said handspun better. I went into the LYS today, and proclaimed "I need a better spinning book." The lady looked perplexed; "Better?" she said. "Yes, I already have one book, and I need one that explains what to do better." I replied. Ask and ye shall recieve:
The issue of Spin Off deals with spindles, and I believe that's a nicely vintage copy of High Whorling. The spindle and fiber are for effect. Classy, I know.
Okay, right I said knitting. Here are the two things taking up most of my mind this last week or so:
What you have there are a pair of Trekking XXL socks in the Rib and Cable pattern from IK '05 and a fresh pair of toe-up Jaywalkers in Knitpicks Dancing sock yarn. It's a stretchy type of yarn, kind of like a really thin cascade fixation. Or not. Either way, I'm hoping they work out. I'm knitting them on Addi 2's, and the guage is a little loose. My intended recipients foot is also a little loose, so I'm hoping the two will work out somehow. That and the pattern will tuck the stretchy parts in some. *Fingers crossed*
Here are some close-ups of the Trekking sock. I'm getting there, row by row, cable by cable. They are taking FOREVER and I never want to cable again... or at least on tiny, tiny needles. However, the cabling without a cable needle has really made them go quicker and made them more portable. So hooray no cables!
Here is the join from the short-row heel to the sock. Damn those holes! I'll fill it in (duplicate stich, maybe?) when I'm done. Someday I'll have short rows without holes. But good news is, I'm getting better! Notice how the entire heel side isn't holes? Yeah, take that short rows!
First up, we have handspun! Yes, that's right, completely slubby, non-uniform, poorly done handspun by me, myself and I. It looks awful, but I don't care, I love it. It's probably only a couple of yards total:
At the fair this year, they are having a day of spinning. I'm thinking of hauling my spindle and my lowly mass of fiber and seeing if being amongst spinners will enhance my poor spinning any. I'm guessing yes. Or, at least, I'll see how the real people do it.
Next, we have more paraphrenalia related to making said handspun better. I went into the LYS today, and proclaimed "I need a better spinning book." The lady looked perplexed; "Better?" she said. "Yes, I already have one book, and I need one that explains what to do better." I replied. Ask and ye shall recieve:
The issue of Spin Off deals with spindles, and I believe that's a nicely vintage copy of High Whorling. The spindle and fiber are for effect. Classy, I know.
Okay, right I said knitting. Here are the two things taking up most of my mind this last week or so:
What you have there are a pair of Trekking XXL socks in the Rib and Cable pattern from IK '05 and a fresh pair of toe-up Jaywalkers in Knitpicks Dancing sock yarn. It's a stretchy type of yarn, kind of like a really thin cascade fixation. Or not. Either way, I'm hoping they work out. I'm knitting them on Addi 2's, and the guage is a little loose. My intended recipients foot is also a little loose, so I'm hoping the two will work out somehow. That and the pattern will tuck the stretchy parts in some. *Fingers crossed*
Here are some close-ups of the Trekking sock. I'm getting there, row by row, cable by cable. They are taking FOREVER and I never want to cable again... or at least on tiny, tiny needles. However, the cabling without a cable needle has really made them go quicker and made them more portable. So hooray no cables!
Here is the join from the short-row heel to the sock. Damn those holes! I'll fill it in (duplicate stich, maybe?) when I'm done. Someday I'll have short rows without holes. But good news is, I'm getting better! Notice how the entire heel side isn't holes? Yeah, take that short rows!
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