Wednesday, May 24, 2006

G is for green and great spaces

There's been doin's aspyerin' (Simpsons quote, if you didn't already know) here, and I'm going to tell you all about it.

The first thing today is new dyeing! I love it, and I think it's going to go to my dye o rama partner, sadly. However, it also meets the Project Spectrum requirements this month, so it's a double dip!

Isn't it just wonderful! Such a bright green. It's wilton's icing and lime jello. Who knew?

Scout has kindly tagged everyone with her Knitting Spaces meme. And, being the sheep that I am, I'll happily oblige.

This is the prime knitting position. See how the couch cushions point inward? It's because I sit in the dead center of the couch; I don't know why. It's not that comfortable. But it's where I sit. On the couch is the fake down blanket Casey and I argue over constantly, a sweater and the corner of my clapotis shawl, that I wear constantly at night. What do I see?

This is my coffee table. At no time is it not covered in or littered with yarn, patterns, magazines, books, stitch markers, video games and my needle case. It keeps things at the ready for me. It's my que. I've got a pretty strong case of ADD (no hyperactivity), so I am always jumping from thing to thing, as it strikes my fancy or I become bored. I don't work in a linear fashion, I never have. My life is in piles scattered around the house. The piles directly correspond to where I was last using _____ . Therefore, when I lose something, I picture the last time I was using it (and for what reason), and it usually is found thereabouts. You can imagine how tough moving is on me- I lose ALL my piles AND I have to establish new places for them! It's enough to make me lose my mind. However, my beloved starbucks waterbottle ensures that I won't be thirsty when I do.

This is what I see when I knit. A large tv with DVD player and video game consoles next to a big ass chest packed FULL of yarn. That is yarn que #1, it holds sock yarn, worsted weight yarns, basic knitting types of yarns and the yarn I don't like. On top of it currently are two skeins I dyed a while ago. I don't like the pink that much, but the blue inside is just fantastic. Oh, the DVD case? That's season 2 of CSI. Must obtain more CSI!!

Here's the other large thing I see when I knit. The bookcase is currently overstocked with numerous items. The magazines on the bottom are knitting and wedding issues. The crates hold DVDs, games and more knitting things. When I rummage through the chest, it's usually followed by rummaging the bookshelf for patterns and old IK issues. The books are mostly knitting now; I purged the stack when we moved in. The picture on the top is my diploma from the UO. Go fighting ducks!

This is the overall picture of the living room corner. I had to take it in the kitchen to get everything in, which is why it's so dark. As you can see, it's a good little corner, and I like it a lot.


Blogger Elspeth said...

Wow, I love that yarn! If only mine were that vibrant!

9:14 PM  

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