Saturday, June 03, 2006

I is for Impressed

My dye-o-rama pal is better than your pal! Nyah Nyah! Here's proof:

My package came on an overcast day in the middle of my work week. What a pick-me-up!

Look at the goodies inside! Do you see the cute card? It's handmade! (I hope you are part of the PS card swap, girl!) There's haribo bears (coming with me to work tonight!) and some sour haribo gummies, which will of course be consumed lightning-quick! Another handmade item, a bookmark with a cute lil puppy on it! I've been reading books at work this week, and I needed a bookmark desperately! Finally, puppy stickers, which made me squeal and giggle!

What a pretty dyed hand-dyed yarn! She called it "Kelly's Greens" just for me. *smile* It's made from wilton's pastes and makes me absolutely jealous of my dyeing skills!

THEN, she included stash yarn! I've been reading other people's blogs about this super fantastic "denim" type yarn, and I can't wait to find an awesome pattern for it. It's so soft!

I'm thinking Green just might be my new favorite color of Blue! A thousand thanks to Roberta, of St. Ann, MO! You rock!


Blogger Tisha said...

What a great package!

6:06 AM  

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